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The Greatest skill of all


by Daniel Laya

Being inspirable is the skill that opens the door to acquiring any other skill, the enabler for your growth beyond your wildest dreams. That’s why I like to say, Inspirable is the greatest skill of all. This is the user’s guide for developing it.

The skill that opens the doors


Inspirable Available now at

It doesn't have to be a lonely journey

You have tried to change many times in the past, to improve as a professional, as a person. Most of the times it has been quite a lonely journey. You were in the best cases working around your obstacles with your coach, therapist, your mentor or your boss, but most of the time on your own.

The problem with traditional development is twofold. First, it takes a lot of time for change to happen and second; requires a lot of willpower not to quit halfway. It is not a joyful process, is a painful one.And if you fail, it is your fault.

Successful development actions have something in common: the participants have a source of inspiration. However, inspiration is volatile. You cannot control it, you cannot rely on it. You need a different approach.

Download the book Introduction. It It will give you an overview of this amazing framework and story behind it.

    What is inspirable about?

    Inspirable is the capacity to make yourself more permeable to the positive behaviors of those who you connect to.

    Download the Workbook and surround yourself with inspirational people whose sole presence will make you jump out of the couch.

      Daniel Laya

      Understanding how people develop and what inspires them to grow has been my obsession for decades. I have impacted the lives of employees while leading human resources and talent development departments in multinational companies in Latin America, Europe, and the Middle East.

      I have also supported people’s development as an executive coach certified by the International Coach Federation and as a facilitator of The Immunity to Change program. As an entrepreneur, I have been involved in the research, partnering, and founding of several human resources technology start-ups. As Director of the Behavior Lab and professor at IE University, students have been one of my major sources of inspiration.

      Writing the book Inspirable: The Greatest Skill of All has given me the opportunity to compile the knowledge and experiences gained during almost three decades to provide a friendly development framework for individuals, teams, and organizations.

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      Daniel Laya, Author of Inspirable, the greatest skill of all.

      Inspirable Available now at